Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (2024)

Last Updated: By Linnie 18 Comments

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Easy3 Ingredient Vegan Chocolate Mousse perfect for any occasion. All you need is 3 natural ingredients to whip together a eloquent dessert in minimal time.

(Gluten Free, Low Sugar, Dairy Free & Vegan Friendly)

Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (1)

I seriously wish I thought about making this chocolate mousse in mason jars for my wedding. It is so simple! To be mousse-a-licious – 3 ingredients is all you need.

You could even trim out the maple syrup and make this with 2 Ingredients. Just think super dark chocolate mousse … It issss divine.

Swirl it up in a adorable little glass jar and voila! Perfect portion desserts whipped up in a jiffy. Best combination ever.

Everything about this Vegan Chocolate Mousse makes me happy.

  • It’s involves chocolate.
  • Stand Mixer does the work. Yes.
  • I seriously feel like a professional when serving them.

Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (2)

There are a few things I’ve learned about myself over the years.

  1. I am lazy and love lazy cooking, baking, no-baking. Whatever it is, I adore minimal work.
  2. If I can make something with minimal work AND it looks like a professional made it. SOLD.

Garnish with fruit, chocolate drizzle, cocoa powder, some leftover whipped cream.

Want to hear the coolest part?

This Vegan Chocolate Mousse fitsSO MANY dietary needs with just a few variations.

  • Gluten-Free – These are absolutely 100% gluten-free (as always).
  • Dairy-Free – To make dairy free as well, there are several options. Coconut Whipped Cream being one of them, but I know some people who can’t tolerate coconut anything (my family included).

There is another option I experimented with (brace yourself) – and that is Whipped Chickpea Water.

Wait. WTF. I apologize for the explicit language but I have to paint the picture what went through my mind when I saw this about 2 years ago.Honestly, it’s not bad. Especially when it’s mixed in with something like cocoa powder. If you are needing dairy free and you are in the not-a-coconut-fan fan group this REALLY is a decent option.

Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (3)

After I sent our Yearly Review to everyone earlier this month and reading over the reviews, I saw a general theme.

  • First and foremost, you are amazing! Thank you so much for your kind words!
  • Second, I felt that we’ve created a community that has learned to play with things a bit. Yes, playing with our food. Totally awesome.

Experiment with your food and learn to create it to make it your own. Secretly, that’s what I’ve wanted to do for you!

Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (4)

This Picadillo Mexican Beef recipe is a great example. There are other ways to adapt, change and to play with it – the possibilities are the fun part.

So let’s continue to play with our food and make it these recipes like this Easy Chocolate Mousse the way we need it to be!

P.S. Have I mentioned enough how much I love you guys? You are all amazing. Perhaps it’s that we are kindred souls and we are all lazy cooks and bakers. 🙂

Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe


Gluten Free, Low Sugar, Dairy Free, Vegan


Easy Vegan Chocolate Mousse perfect for any occasion. All you need is 3 ingredients to whip together a eloquent dessert in minimal time. (Gluten Free, Low Sugar, Dairy Free and Vegan Friendly)


  • 3 cups whipped coconut cream (heavy whipped cream for dairy option or see above for other dairy-free options )
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder


  • 1. In a chilled bowl add your whipped cream and beat on high until cream forms stiff peaks. (Apprx 3-4 minutes)
  • 2. Beat in maple syrup and half cocoa powder.
  • 3. Beat in remaining cocoa powder.
  • 4. Spoon chocolate mousse into piping bag and swirl into your favorite bowl.
  • 5. Top with mini chocolate chips and fruit if desired, serve chilled!

Author: Linnie

Recipe Video:

Nutrition Information:

Serving size: 1 serving
Calories: 240
Other nutrition information: Total Fat: 22g , Saturated Fat: 14g , Cholesterol: 80mg , Sodium: 25mg , Total Carb: 9g , Dietary Fiber: 1g , Total Sugars: 6g , Protein: 2g

Recipe, images, and text © Veggie Balance

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Reader Interactions


  1. Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (16)Jeanna says

    Quick question for clarification: is “heavy whipping cream” the same thing as the ingredient you list as “whipped cream”? I want to be sure I purchase the correct item. Thanks for this awesome post!


    • Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (17)Lindsay says

      Yes they are the same thing. Both should have fat content 36% or more and will whip nicely for this recipe. 🙂


  2. Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (18)Tally says

    how long will this last in the fridge?


    • Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (19)Lindsay says

      From my experience about 2-3 days before it will start to slightly separate. Can easily be resolved by quickly whipping it before serving though.

  3. Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (20)Kerri says

    Hello, the 3 cups of whipped cream, is that when it’s in liquid form or after it’s been whipped?


    • Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (21)Lindsay says

      3 cups of cream. Which will turn into abouttttt 6 cups of stiff peaked whipped cream. Hope this helps 🙂


  4. Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (22)Shayna says

    Just a tip for any beginners, if you over beat your whipping cream it WILL separate and turn into butter. Not a very good mousse after that.


    • Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (23)Lindsay says

      Very good tip Shayna!


  5. Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (24)Jason says

    Love me some chocolate mousse. Thanks for the recipe!


  6. Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (25)Sarah says

    if using chickpea water, is it still 3 cups?


    • Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (26)Lindsay says

      From my experience you want about 2 cans (about 1.5 cups) of chickpea water which should make about 2.5-3cups of whipped aquafaba. Hope this helps!


  7. Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (27)Alivia Groff says

    Really Yummy recipe!!!!


  8. Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (28)Alivia Groff says

    I love Mousse, so this is perfect, thank you!


  9. Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (29)Tessa Groff says

    Great Mousse, My mom loves it! I also found strawberry cream cheese mousse that is great!


  10. Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (30)Kristin says

    can it be made ahead & frozen?


    • Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (31)Lindsay says

      This can definitely be made ahead of time. I personally have not tried to freeze it myself.. but pretty sure it would be fine!


  11. Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (32)Allison says

    The coconut cream never formed peaks and I’m pretty sure I over beat it waiting for it to thicken up. I watched it the whole time and it went from creamy like it was in the can to a chunky watery mixture. How do you know when coconut cream is beaten enough? I set a timer for 4 minutes as your instructions mentioned, but it hadn’t changed consistency in those 4 minutes so I continued beating it. 😩 I was really looking forward to this.


    • Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (33)Lindsay says

      Interesting. The fact that it turned into a chunky watery mixture makes me wonder did you include the separated coconut can liquids into this mix? You want to whip only the coconut cream that separates at the top.

      Second is that your coconut cream was not chilled enough. It’s best to leave the can in the fridge overnight to make sure it properly chills and separates. I also recommend making sure that your bowl that you will be whipping it in is chilled as well. If you didn’t include the liquid than my guess is that everything was too warm.


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Delicious Vegan Chocolate Mousse with 3 Ingredients Recipe (2024)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.