Best Carne Asada Seasonings Recipe (Marinade) - Life is Sweeter By Design (2024)


This carne asada seasonings recipe is extremely easy. In just 5 minutes, you will have the best marinade! Try this out with any kind of meat. This marinade will make your meat juicy and irresistible! You are not going to regret it!

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Carne asada is a Spanish term meaning grilled or roasted meat. It is significantly more than a delicacy in many countries' cuisines, but rather an entire event that can be compared to a barbeque or cookout. Across Latin America, there are several different types of carne asada, and in some locations, the overall process of grilling meat over open flames is actually referred to as an Asado.

Because beef is the main ingredient in carne asada, it is popular in nations where meat production is a prominent part of the culture. As a result, countries such as Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, and Nicaragua serve carne asada, which is prepared differently in each country.

Nonetheless, outside of Latin America, the Mexican style of carne asada is probably the most well-known. This sort of carne asada is thought to have originated in Northern Mexico, where cattle farming is a major industry.

The state of Nuevo Leon, whose capital is Monterrey, is claimed to be the core of Mexican carne asada. In fact, Monterrey is reported to be Mexico's largest consumer of carne asada, with each person eating an estimate of over 80 pounds of beef every year.

The marinade is everything when it comes to carne asada. You take a wonderful piece of steak, marinade it in some amazing seasonings, and then grill it for a savory hunk of meat that you can eat plain, on a taco, burrito, or whatever else you can make of. It's so delicious that it's frequently served simply, as a superb steak.

Normally, skirt steak or flank steak are used to make carne asada. Both slices are nearly identical and can be used alternatively. There are a few variances between the two meat cuts. Flank steak is a leaner choice with a terrific, meaty flavor. Skirt steak has a similar deep meaty flavor to flank steak, but it has more rough fibers. It should only be cooked to rare or medium-rare if you don't want it to become rubbery. Both should be sliced across the grain as well.

When choosing beef cuts for carne asada, the most crucial consideration is quality. Because beef is the main attraction in this dish, you'll want to get the greatest quality you can find, regardless of the style of carne asada you're creating.


Tenderizing the meat, infusing it with flavor & spice, and chemically changing the structure so it maintains moisture and actually gets juicier are all goals that marinades must achieve. Each and every ingredient you add to your marinade will have a purpose.

A wonderful carne asada seasonings recipe marinade will give you the awesome tasting tender meat you could possibly imagine. Here are a couple of tips for you to achieve the best carne asada marinade:


Be sure to add in some citrus to your marinade. This seasoning recipe makes use of fresh orange juice and lime juice. The citrus from those two is the key to making your meat very tender. They also give the meat beautiful flowery tones that match the earthy flavors, which are typical of carne asada.


When using the marinade, do not just store it at room temperature. Let it sit in the fridge for better results. You can also check the correct way of storing leftover marinade down below for more info.


You can be creative and use any seasoning you want for your carne asada marinade. Just remember, the more types of seasoning you will add to the mixture will make it more flavorful. The seasonings used for the marinade will penetrate inside the meat as well as outside making it packed with yummy spices.


When making a carne asada marinade you should also consider the amount of meat you are going to use with it. For example, a pound of meat will require at least half a cup of carne asada marinade.


Adding soy sauce to the marinade will enzymatically soften the proteins while imparting a rich layer of base flavor.

  • OIL

Including oil in the mixture is essential because it properly distributes oil-soluble compounds across the meat and ensures equal browning when grilling.

Once you've made your carne asada marinade, gather your family and friends together while also enjoying the outdoors, and grill up some carne asada. A carne asada fiesta can take place anywhere, including the park, your own backyard, or a loved one's home.

Family and friends, delicious food, awesome music, and cold drinks are the only requirements for a carne asada party, whether it's a small gathering or a massive fiesta. Scroll down and start making the recipe below for an unforgettable carne asada marinade!


This carne asada seasonings recipe makes about 2 cups of marinade. If in any case, you made more than you needed, you can always store this and use it again for later. Here is how you should properly store your marinade:


If you are planning to use the carne asada marinade again in a week's time, it is best to store it in the fridge. Just be sure to transfer it in an air tight container – this can be in a mason jar, Tupperware, Ziploc, or you can even place it in an old clean empty jar.

When you are ready to use it, just take it out of the container and add your meat then place it back in the fridge to marinate.


Storing it in the freezer gives it a longer time to last. This can be stored for up to about 3 months in the freezer. As always, transfer the marinade first to an air tight container to avoid it from getting freezer burns. You can make a big batch of this marinade and store it in the freezer for easy access.

A quick tip if ever you will be making a big batch of this marinade, you can place the marinade mix in an ice tray. Once you need the marinade, just thaw it out and use it. And for every pound of meat, you are going to need at least 5 to 6 cubes of marinade.


To make this marinade of carne asada seasonings recipe, you are going to need the following:

  • Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice
  • Freshly Squeezed Lime Juice
  • Olive Oil
  • Soy Sauce
  • Finely Chopped Cilantro
  • Brown Sugar
  • Minced Garlic
  • Ancho Chile Powder
  • Cumin Powder
  • Dried Mexican Oregano
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper


Now that you have gathered all of your ingredients, it is time to make this yummy marinade recipe. Follow the instructions below for the best results!


Prepare all the seasonings you will need for the marinade then grab yourself a large bowl and a whisk. In the bowl, combine all the ingredients and whisk until completely blended together.


When you are done mixing everything up together, you can use this marinade for any of your preferred meat.

Any meat goes perfectly well with it, such as chicken thighs, pork chops, or beef steaks. Soak and let it marinate for at least 8 hours up to 24 hours in the fridge.


Now that you know all about carne asada marinade it is time to print the recipe or save the recipe. You can print off the complete ingredients and instructions for the carne asada seasonings recipe via the recipe card below.

If you don’t have time to print it off right now, no worries! Just save the pin to your Pinterest account by clicking the pin button located in the recipe card below.

If you make this recipe and LOVE it…please come back and leave a 5-star rating. It would mean so much to me!

5 from 4 votes

Best Carne Asada Seasonings Recipe (Marinade) - Life is Sweeter By Design (7)


Carne Asada Seasonings Recipe

Prep Time

5 mins

This carne asada seasonings recipe is super easy to make! It will make your food even more delicious!



Keyword:Marinade, seasoning

Servings: 2 Cups

Calories: 357 kcal

Author: Jamie


  • ½cupFreshly Squeezed Orange Juicejuice of 1 large orange
  • ½cupFreshly Squeezed Lime Juicejuice of 3-4 limes
  • ¼cupOlive Oil
  • 2tablespoonsSoy Sauce
  • ½cupCilantrofinely chopped
  • 2tablespoonsBrown Sugar
  • 1tablespoonGarlicminced
  • 1teaspoonAncho Chilies Powder
  • 1teaspoonCumin Powder
  • 1teaspoonDried Mexican Oregano
  • ½teaspoonSalt
  • 1teaspoonBlack Pepper


  1. In a bowl, combine all the ingredients and whisk well.

  2. Add the marinate to your favorite meat (chicken thighs, pork chops, beef steak, all work very well) and let it marinate for at least 8 hours up to 24 hours.

Nutrition Facts

Carne Asada Seasonings Recipe

Amount Per Serving

Calories 357Calories from Fat 252

% Daily Value*

Fat 28g43%

Saturated Fat 4g25%

Polyunsaturated Fat 3g

Monounsaturated Fat 20g

Sodium 1614mg70%

Potassium 349mg10%

Carbohydrates 28g9%

Fiber 2g8%

Sugar 18g20%

Protein 3g6%

Vitamin A 756IU15%

Vitamin C 52mg63%

Calcium 72mg7%

Iron 2mg11%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. We are not nutritionist and this data was calculated via WP Recipe Maker to the best of our ability. Always check nutrition values yourself based on the ingredients you use.

If you liked this delicious recipe, be sure to check these other great recipes out:

  • Popeyes Blackened Ranch Sauce (copycat)
  • Weight Watchers Crab Cakes and Dipping Sauce
  • Weight Watchers BBQ Sauce (Sugar-Free)

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Hi, I'm Jamie! Welcome to Life is Sweeter by Design, where I am working on recapturing the JOY in life!You will find me blogging about family, food and fun. I love being a wife to my husband and mom to my four kids.Cooking, crafting, travel and homemaking make me smile!

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Best Carne Asada Seasonings Recipe (Marinade) - Life is Sweeter By Design (2024)
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