7 Cottage-Cheese Recipes That Have as Much Protein as Chicken Breast | Livestrong.com (2024)

7 Cottage-Cheese Recipes That Have as Much Protein as Chicken Breast | Livestrong.com (1)

There's no shortage of ways to sneak cottage cheese into recipes for a protein boost.

Image Credit: amberto4ka/iStock/GettyImages

Blame it on its pale, lumpy texture, but cottage cheese gets a bad rap. Like the Brussels sprouts of the dairy world, this food is often overlooked and underappreciated.


But don't let the lumps make you leery. This creamy, curd-filled cheese has a ton of perks.

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Relatively low in calories, cottage cheese is a solid source of essential nutrients like calcium and protein (between 20 to 28 grams per cup), says New York City-based dietitian Isabel Smith, RD, CDN. That makes it ideal for anyone counting calories or tracking their macros.


Have we got your attention? Before you race to the dairy aisle, keep in mind: not all products are made equal. Smith suggests sticking with reduced-fat cottage cheese varieties (between 2 to 3 grams per serving), steering clear of any additives (especially extra sugar) and buying organic when possible.

And always check the nutrition label for sodium content. Cottage cheese tends to be high in sodium, Smith says — 1 cup can contain as much as 900 milligrams, or more than a third of the daily amount recommended by the American Heart Association. So, compare brands and choose the one with the least salt. Eating half a serving can also help with sodium management as well, Smith adds.


And though it tastes great with fruit for breakfast or a snack, cottage cheese is way more versatile than you might think. From frittatas to oatmeal bakes and spinach-artichoke dips, Smith says there are countless ways to incorporate this creamy cheese — you can even completely hide the taste and texture among other ingredients if that better suits your taste buds.

Ready to give cottage cheese a fair chance? We guarantee these recipes — which contain as much protein as a 3-ounce chicken breast (27 grams) — will change your mind about this underrated dairy product.


1. Chocolate Peanut Butter Cottage Cheese

7 Cottage-Cheese Recipes That Have as Much Protein as Chicken Breast | Livestrong.com (2)

This bowl of cottage cheese flavored with peanut butter and chocolate is just as yummy as pudding.

Image Credit: Livestrong

  • Calories:‌ 327
  • Protein:‌ 35 grams


Who doesn't love the winning combo of peanut butter and chocolate? This sweet snack piles on the protein (a whopping 35 grams per serving) thanks to a mix of cottage cheese and protein powder. And with only five minutes from prep to plate, it makes a quick and convenient post-gym, muscle-building bite, especially on strength-training days.

Get the Chocolate Peanut Butter Cottage Cheese recipe and nutrition info here.

2. Cheesy High-Protein Twice-Baked Sweet Potato

7 Cottage-Cheese Recipes That Have as Much Protein as Chicken Breast | Livestrong.com (3)

This sweet potato spin on loaded potato skins features fat-free cottage cheese.

Image Credit: Jenna Butler

  • Calories:‌ 221
  • Protein:‌ 27 grams


If you're looking for a sweet and savory side dish, look no further than this twice-baked sweet potato. This one's got double the cheese — low-fat cheddar and cottage cheese — for twice the flavor and ooey-gooey goodness. And even though this healthier version is just as tasty as greasy loaded potato skins, it only has a fraction of the fat (a meager 4 grams for half a potato).

Get the Cheesy High-Protein Twice-Baked Sweet Potato recipe and nutrition info here.

3. Cheese and Vegetable Spread on Crackers

7 Cottage-Cheese Recipes That Have as Much Protein as Chicken Breast | Livestrong.com (4)

Not your average cheese and crackers, this recipe is packed with a day's worth of fiber and protein.

Image Credit: Livestrong

  • Calories:‌ 498
  • Protein:‌ 51 grams


This simple snack puts a twist on your traditional cheese and crackers, replacing your go-to cheddar and gouda with cottage cheese. Hearty enough to serve as a light lunch, this combo offers 24 grams of fiber thanks to fresh veggies and a jaw-dropping 51 grams of protein (that's the daily recommended protein intake for a 40-year-old active woman who weighs 140 pounds).


The best part? No cooking required. Simply chop up your bell peppers, carrot and celery sticks and toss them into your bowl of cottage cheese. For even more filling fiber, use whole-grain crackers for dipping.


Get the Cheese and Vegetable Spread on Crackers recipe and nutrition info here.

4. Mushroom and Tomato Omelet

7 Cottage-Cheese Recipes That Have as Much Protein as Chicken Breast | Livestrong.com (5)

This cheese omelet boasts tons of protein thanks to the addition of cottage cheese.

Image Credit: Livestrong

  • Calories:‌ 249
  • Protein:‌ 36 grams

Loaded with meaty mushrooms and juicy tomatoes, this low-cal omelet is the perfect way to start your day. Between the eggs and cottage cheese, it packs a powerful protein punch (36 grams per serving). That's way more protein than you'd get from other cheeses like American and Swiss, which only offer 4.8 grams and 7.7 grams of protein per ounce, respectively. For reference, a half cup of low-fat cottage cheese boasts 12 grams of the muscle-boosting macro.

Get the Mushroom and Tomato Omelet recipe and nutrition info here.

5. Turkey and Cheese Scramble

7 Cottage-Cheese Recipes That Have as Much Protein as Chicken Breast | Livestrong.com (6)

This breakfast scramble features three protein powerhouses: eggs, turkey and cottage cheese.

Image Credit: Jenna Butler

  • Calories:‌ 236
  • Protein:‌ 34 grams

This simple-yet-satisfying breakfast scramble only requires eggs, cottage cheese and turkey. Low-fat and low-carb (only 8 grams and 6 grams, respectively), this high-protein meal also contains zero fiber, so make sure to pair it with a piece of whole-wheat toast or a side of fruit.


Get the Turkey and Cheese Scramble recipe and nutrition info here.

Honorable Mentions

Just shy of 27 grams of protein per serving, these healthy cottage-cheese recipes shouldn't be counted out.

6. Cottage Cheese Protein Pancakes

7 Cottage-Cheese Recipes That Have as Much Protein as Chicken Breast | Livestrong.com (7)

You'd never know these pancakes were made with cottage cheese.

Image Credit: Livestrong

  • Calories:‌ 306
  • Protein:‌ 25 grams

Not a fan of cottage cheese's texture? This high-protein pancake recipe is for you. Cottage cheese gets camouflaged when blended with rolled oats, eggs and vanilla extract to make a smooth pancake batter. So, you get all the protein and calcium without the lumpy curdles. Plus, at six flapjacks per 300-calorie serving, these good-for-you griddle cakes give you a great bang for your caloric buck.

Get the Cottage Cheese Protein Pancakes recipe and nutrition info here.

7. Lean Lasagna

7 Cottage-Cheese Recipes That Have as Much Protein as Chicken Breast | Livestrong.com (8)

This light lasagna replaces ricotta with fat-free cottage cheese.

Image Credit: Arthur Bovino

  • Calories:‌ 274
  • Protein:‌ 26 grams

Fat-free cottage cheese works as a stellar substitute for ricotta in this carb-controlled, low-cal lasagna. Compared to a serving of Olive Garden's Lasagna Classico, which has seven times the fat and quadruple the sodium, this lighter homemade version still has all the staple ingredients you love — ground meat (turkey), tomatoes and mozzarella — plus a few extra healthy add-ins like spinach and mushrooms.

Get the Lean Lasagna recipe and nutrition info here.

Click below to pin and save these recipes for later!

7 Cottage-Cheese Recipes That Have as Much Protein as Chicken Breast | Livestrong.com (9)

Relatively low in calories, cottage cheese is a solid source of essential nutrients like calcium and protein.

Image Credit: Graphic: LIVESTRONG.com Creative



7 Cottage-Cheese Recipes That Have as Much Protein as Chicken Breast | Livestrong.com (2024)


Does cottage cheese have as much protein as chicken? ›

Cottage Cheese

And dairy maybe even less obvious. Cottage cheese slides by chicken in protein content. A half cup of cottage cheese will deliver 14 grams of protein. Choose one percent fat for a satisfying and delicious protein source.

What foods are high in protein like cottage cheese? ›

Lean animal proteins include white-fleshed fish, skinless poultry, and cuts of red meat such as loin and round. Low fat dairy products, like cottage cheese, yogurt, and milk are also good sources of protein. Plant proteins like beans, tofu, and powdered peanut butter offer ample protein too.

Is it OK to eat cottage cheese every day? ›

This fad diet provides quick weight loss by using cottage cheese as the basis for your meals. While it is safe for most people to eat cottage cheese every day, it should not be consumed to the extent that you exclude other food groups. Also, some types of cottage cheese contain high amounts of sodium and/or sugar.

What can I eat with cottage cheese for weight loss? ›

Healthy ways to enjoy cottage cheese

You can cut calories and fat from your diet and promote healthy weight loss by substituting cottage cheese for other foods. Here are some suggestions: Add cottage cheese to your morning smoothie. Top cottage cheese with fresh berries, mango, or pineapple for a healthy snack.

Is cottage cheese better for you than eggs? ›

Cottage cheese contains more protein than two eggs.

And that's just the protein in a personal-size cup of the stuff (5.3 oz)—in that size, those wannabe trendy cottage cheeses are weighing in at 16 to 19 grams of protein; eggs have about 6 g each.

What is the healthiest protein to eat? ›

Generally, poultry (chicken, turkey, duck) and a variety of seafood (fish, crustaceans, mollusks) are your best bet. Eggs can be a good choice, too.

What home foods have the most protein? ›

Here are 16 delicious foods that are high in protein.
  1. Eggs. Whole eggs are a good source of protein that's easy to absorb, and they're also an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and antioxidants ( 5 ). ...
  2. Almonds. ...
  3. Chicken breast. ...
  4. Cottage cheese. ...
  5. Greek yogurt. ...
  6. Milk. ...
  7. Lentils. ...
  8. Lean beef.
Oct 18, 2023

Does homemade cottage cheese have protein? ›

Notably, protein accounts for over 70% of the calories in cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein and contains relatively few calories. It's also packed with many nutrients, such as B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, and selenium.

When should you not eat cottage cheese? ›

First of all you can tell with the sniff test just like any other dairy product if it smells sour than it is probably past its prime, but this doesn't mean it's not safe to eat. If the cottage cheese becomes watery then you know its time to throw it away.

Which is better for you yogurt or cottage cheese? ›

So far, these two high-protein snacks are neck in neck when considering protein, calcium and calories. But one clear distinction steers the choice: Cottage cheese can be loaded with sodium. Just 1 cup of cottage cheese can deliver 8 to 9 times the sodium found in Greek yogurt.

Does cottage cheese help with bowel movements? ›

Cottage cheese has decent amount of phosphorous which helps in digestion and excretion. The magnesium present in cottage cheese can also prevent constipation. Magnesium has a laxative effect. Which means it draws water into the stools, making them softer and easier to pass through the intestinal walls.

Is cottage cheese good for losing belly fat? ›

When talking of what foods help burn belly fat, cottage cheese is one that has weight loss properties. Cottage cheese is rich in protein which can improve metabolism and prevent weight gain. It is also low in calories while being packed with calcium, vitamins B, selenium, and phosphorus.

Can you lose weight by eating cottage cheese before bed? ›

When we want to lose weight, we're often forced to down foods that don't really do it for our tastebuds. But that all changes, thanks to a new piece of research. According to a new study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, consuming cottage cheese before going to sleep can help you lose weight.

What does cottage cheese do for your stomach? ›

Besides the reasons outlined above, cottage cheese may help with gut health. Since it is often fermented, (a process that helps remove the cheese curds from the liquid) cottage cheese may contain “good” bacteria called probiotics. Snodgrass says probiotics are “crucial” to good digestion.

Is the protein in cottage cheese the same as in meat? ›

Dry curd cottage cheese contains more protein per lb. than either beef, pork, or lamb. Only chicken and veal have a higher protein content. So, Americans should consider using cottage cheese as a high protein ingredient in cooking.

Is cottage cheese good for high protein diet? ›

Cottage cheese is popular among athletes and people who exercise. Because of its high protein content, it's a great food to incorporate into your diet if you want to build muscle mass. When combined with resistance training, a diet including high protein foods can help you increase muscle mass ( 16 ).

What protein is equivalent to chicken? ›

Seitan. As per the journal Nutrients, seitan is a wheat gluten-based protein that's surprisingly meaty in texture. It absorbs flavours well and can be used in a variety of dishes. From sautéing to baking, seitan offers a chewy and satisfying bite that can easily replace chicken in your favorite recipes.

Which food has more protein than chicken? ›

Shrimp. Shrimp lovers, get stoked. A 5-ounce serving of shrimp blows chicken out of the water with 31 grams of protein.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.